Care & Prayer

Following Jesus does not exempt us from the troubles and trials of life, but it does promise we won’t have to face anything alone. Our Care & Prayer ministries provide for the pastoral care of every member of our congregation ensuring that no matter what situations we may face we are able to face them surrounded with loving Christian community and support.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one lay caring ministry that is grounded in a biblical understanding of Jesus, His church, and His ministry. It helps those who have normal coping skills but need someone to walk alongside them in faith and prayer during times when they are overwhelmed, such as loss of a loved one, loss of a job, becoming an “empty nester,” moving to a new location, coping with a chronic or terminal illness, or other stressful situations.


Who can serve as a Stephen Minister?

Stephen Ministers are members of the congregation who have been trained by Stephen Leaders to offer high-quality, one-to-one Christian care to people going through tough times. Lay people trained by Canton First Methodist Church (CFMC) leadership are the active Stephen Ministers at CFMC. Our Stephen Ministers are involved in peer supervision and ongoing study together.

What type of training do Stephen Ministers receive?

Our Stephen Ministers have received 50 hours of training in caring for people who are experiencing a wide range of difficult situations. The Stephen Minister you’ll be matched with is very well-equipped to care for and support you.

I'm willing to speak with a Stephen Minister, but isn't this a type of ministry the pastor's job?

Our pastors care about you and will visit with you as you need them. Along with your pastor’s care, your Stephen Minister will be available to focus on caring for you. We as Christians are called to care for one another, and this program enlarges our pastoral care ministry.

How often and how long will I meet with the Stephen Minister?

A Stephen Minister usually provides care to one person at a time, meeting with that person once a week for about an hour. Your Stephen Minister will continue to meet with you as long as needed. You will decide together when you’re ready to bring the caring relationship to a close.

Will I feel better if I have a Stephen Minister?

Every person and situation are different, but most people we work with say that having a Stephen Minister is a helpful, comforting, and a healing experience.

Is Stephen Ministry confidential? I'd prefer to keep my struggle private, and I am not sure Stephen Ministry is what I need.

Stephen Ministry is completely confidential. No one will even know you have a Stephen Minister unless you tell them.

If I am interested in Stephen Ministry, who can help me?

Call Susan Brown, Congregational Care Minister at 770-479-2502 or e-mail .

It hurts to lose someone. Find help at GriefShare.

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.

Canton First Methodist Church offers GriefShare on Wednesday afternoon, 3:30-5:00pm and Thursday evening, 7:00-8:30pm in two 15-week cycles, one running from August through November and the other from January through May. There are no classes in June or July.
Go to and enter Canton, GA for detailed schedule information. 

Facilitator: Bob Hulsey
Workbooks: $20
Registration required: Contact the church office at   or call 770-479-2502 for more information.

Class Schedule 
Loss of a Spouse Seminar
Week 1: Is This Normal?
Week 2: Your Grief Journey
Week 3: Loneliness & Sadness
Week 4: Self-Care
Week 5: Fearful & Overwhelmed
Week 6: Anger
Week 7: Regrets
Week 8: Grief & Your Household
Week 9: Grief & Your Friendships
Week 10: Questions for God
Week 11: Stuck in Grief
Week 12: Hope & Resilience
Week 13: What Do I Live for Now?
Week 14: Surviving the Holidays

Hands for God Ministry

The Bible instructs us to use our gifts to serve others, and the Hands for God (HFG)Ministry does just that. Started by Brenda McKeraghan in 2012 to be a “light in our community,” the group has grown to many special people who use their talents to create beautiful and unique items to share with members of the community. On every first and third Monday of the month, the group gathers at CFMC to create items, such as hats, scarves, lapghans, dolls, and critters. Each item receives a tag with a scripture verse identifying the HFG Ministry. These items bring comfort and joy to people of all ages and with different needs throughout the community. The group views their time together to be a ministry to each other as well, by enjoying great fellowship and sharing their joys and sorrows! God uses their talents to impact the lives of the following recipients:

  • CFMC members and friends: As needed or requested by Susan Brown, Congregational Care Minister.
  • They give blankets to babies who are baptized in the church.
  • Canton Nursing Home: Items for their Christmas Gift Program.
  • Canton Police Department: Animals & dolls, called “Cruiser Critters,” given by officers to children in crisis situations.
  • Cherokee Cancer Center: Hats, scarves, and lapghans for Infusion Center.
  • Downs Syndrome Program: Hats and blankets for ages up to 12 years.
  • Fresenius Medical Center: Lapghans, hats, and arm warmers for dialysis patients.
  • Georgia Cancer Specialty Center: Hats, scarves, and lapghans.
  • Goshen Valley Boys Ranch: Hats, scarves, miscellaneous items for 10-18, hosting an annual party to present items.
  • Highland River Recovery Center: Men’s hats and scarves.
  • Must Ministries: Assorted items as needed.
  • Northside Angel Program: Blankets and hats for stillborn infants who “have their wings.”
  • Wildwood Nursing Home, Jasper, GA: Miscellaneous items.

The HFG Ministry is always open to meet other needs in the community as well.

HFG meets every first and third Monday of each month at 10:00am in Room 126. The group is always open to new members and no crafting or sewing experience is required. 

Prayer Quilt Ministry

Prayer Quilt Ministry combines the gift of prayer with the gift of a hand-tied quilt. As each knot is tied, a prayer is offered for the person in need. Each quilt is lovingly made and will be given to cover the person in need with prayers and God’s grace. Anyone can request a quilt for another person who is in need of prayer by contacting the church office.

The Quilt Ministry Group meets on the first Thursday of each month from 10:00am-2:00pm for Christian fellowship and service. The Quilt Ministry Group works on prayer quilts and other small projects. Participants also sort and coordinate donated fabrics, cut, iron, sort, pin, and assemble quilt kits for those who sew at home. No experience necessary, and new members are welcome! Registration is not required. Please feel free to drop in!

Contact   for more information.

Want to learn more about the Care & Prayer Ministry?
Please contact the church office or a ministry director below.